
HTS: Guide to Heat Treating Steel for knife and tool makers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Heat Treating the famous O-1 Tool Steel

Begin by wrapping the piece in stainless steel tool wrap and leave an extra two inches on each end of the package (This will be for handling purposes). The foil should be double crimped around the edges. Note: be careful to not tear or puncture the wrap!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heat Treating D2 steel!

To begin... wrap the piece in stainless steel tool wrap and leave an extra two inches on each end of the package (This will be for handling purposes). The foil should be double crimped around the edges. Note: be careful to not tear or puncture the wrap!

Once wrapped place in the furnace and heat to 1850F. Upon reaching this temperature immediately begin timing the soak for 15 to 20 minutes. (Soak time is the amount of time the steel is held at the desired temperature; which in this case is 1850 degrees Fahrenheit)